Book Trailers and the Latest!


Hi All!

Hope you’re doing well in this season of change. I’ve not been very active on social media lately for reasons that should be obvious. I love people but I also love peace.

I’ve been busy honing my writing skills and doing some in-depth studying on screenwriting. It’s been a fun journey and very different than writing prose. The big takeaway for me was the shift in mindset from being descriptive to employing a strict economy of words. In short, you have to be able to condense a descriptive paragraph like you would normally add in the text of a novel into a single sentence in a screenplay. For kicks, I wrote a screenplay for my novel, Haven of Dante. Authors don’t typically write their own screenplays but I wanted the practice and enjoyed it immensely. I might be addicted.

It was quite the sidestep to working on Jupiter Chronicles, book 4 which I desperately need to get back to. Speaking of sidesteps, I wanted to share a couple of book trailers that I had fun putting together. I did these mostly for fun and had no idea I’d enjoy putting together visuals like this. Both of these were done on my iPhone using intro maker and iMovie along with some stock video and images I spliced together.

The Secret of the Great Red Spot (book 1) on sale (eBook) for 0.99. You can check out the series page here.

The 2nd one is for Haven of Dante.

The eBook is also on sale for 0.99. You can get yours here.

I mentioned previously that I had been scarce on social media. I do love people but it breaks my heart to see the hate that thrives there. Please know that whenever you hate someone…anyone – no matter what you believe they have done, judgement is clouded. Hate will keep us from seeing what is true and real and what is real is not always what we think. And if we rely on any one “thing” to bring us peace, that thing will sooner or later be stripped away from us. It’s like the old hymn says, On Christ the solid rock I stand; All other ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking sand.

And finally, a blessing written just for you from Numbers 6:24…

The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make his face to shine upon you
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you
And give you peace.

Mucho love,
