All screenplays listed @2024 Leonardo Ramirez

Genre: Kids Animated
Format: Animated Feature
Nutshell: Anthropomorphic Flash Gordon meets Mission Impossible
Logline: When a young cow with Asperger’s Syndrome is taken from a farm by a scorned alien bull, the abducted youngling is rescued and recruited by a group of adventurous and skilled teenage cattle to thwart an impending invasion of their homeworld and form the “Agents of C.O.W.”.

Genre: Drama / Fantasy
Format: Short Film
Nutshell: Wings of Desire x Stroszek
Logline: In a city plagued by forgotten promises, an otherworldly stranger has eight hours to find refuge for one of its forsaken or be condemned to an unwanted fate on Earth.

Genre: Science Fiction (Steampunk)
Sub-genres: Family Adventure
Format: Live action or animated feature
Nutshell: Steampunk “Star Wars” meets “Avatar: The Last Airbender”
Logline: A heavy-hearted young man is catapulted to a steam powered world where he, along with his sister, fights to free their long-lost father and its people from subjugation by Martian invaders before their final plan for conquest unfolds.

Genre: Action/Fantasy/Young Adult/Superhero
Format: Live action or animated feature
Nutshell: Divergent meets Batman Begins
Logline: After a brutal attack resulting in the annihilation of her family, a courageous young woman is compelled to prevent a secret society born from the nine circles of hell from enslaving humanity.