Even though it’s been nine years since the release of Haven, this book still holds a dear place in my heart. The day after we closed on our house, I was laid off of my job in the music industry as an international marketing manager. I actually felt worse for other people who were escorted out of the building. I was given plenty of notice so the shock of it was not as rough as it could have been. Even so, it was a tough time for us as a family and things (financially) were super tight so I needed a boost.

We were having a garage sale to help with finances. My daughter had set up a lemonade/coffee stand out front. I remember asking what she would call it. The “Muchi La-La” is what she came up with. She made well over $300 that day.
Anywho, I had set my laptop on the ottoman after sending my book proposal to a publisher in the UK at the behest of my friend, Anthony, who knew them at the time. I sent the e-mail off and came back to the “Muchi La-La” with some much needed change. Mackenzy was selling more coffee than she could come up with so I went in to make another pot and happen to glance over at my laptop. Harry had responded. That quick! Thinking I would add this to my collection of rejection letters I opened it.
He was interested and wanted to talk more. It was the boost I needed.
So after two years of late nights between myself and artist, Davy Fisher, we released it to the market in 2010. And while I was ecstatic at the time, there was a hidden meaning behind the process and a huge learning curve. The learning curve came in the way of the publishing/marketing process. But the hidden meaning behind it all was that no matter what I set out to do, there is nothing more important than my relationship to God and family. That’s where I find peace. I can strive until I’m blue in the face and the flesh has fallen off my bones but there is no rest until I rest in them.
I still love to scribble words onto “paper”. But my rest and peace are in who I love and who matters most. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
You can buy Haven of Dante: The Graphic Novel for $5.00 on Comixology here or $5.99 through other digital stores here. Comixology is the online comic store for all the major publishers.

The Dante family line has been in the fires of an ancient war between humanity and the nine circles of hell for generations. As a self-proclaimed “Aristocracy” the circles have now set their sights on the one chosen to fight the raging war…Haven Irena Dante. But soon after the tragic death of her mother, Haven endures the vile theft of her innocence and disappears. No one has seen or heard from her in two years … until now. Somehow she has been changed. And when all nine circles of hell conspire to recreate their realm on the surface there is no one that can stop them. No one, that is, except Haven.
Mucho love,